Singing lessons for children

Humans are social beings and, as such, their communication skills should be encouraged to their benefit. Singing is one of the oldest forms of expression and, although it's beneficial effects are just now starting to be studied, if there is something that improves when we sing it is most certainly our mood.

The voice lessons for children in Espai Coriveu are a healthy way for children to have fun and live the experience of sound while learning how to sing. In Espai Coriveu, at our school of Grace, Barcelona, we do singing lessons to children between 12 and 14 years old.

If you want your child to experiment with music while learning to sing and having fun, you can book their spot today or, if you need more information, you may continue reading to discover why enrolling your child to our singing course is a great idea!

Lessons last 1 hour and 30 minutes for groups ofmaximum 8 children, monthly fee 84 €.

Clases de canto ninos

A healthy vocal methodology for the voice of a child is what will allow them to sound like child whilst allowing for their voice to change as their vocal mechanism gradually grows, without affecting the vocal future of a child singer.

Experts suggest that structured breathing used in singing supplies air to the lungs in a way which promotes blood circulation, while at the same time improvements in concentration have also been perceived, as well as in memory and stress reduction.

But not all singing methods are effective and safe for children, given that a young larynx should never be put under the same pressure as an adult larynx. For this reason, we must be extremely careful and gentle with the child's voice to keep it healthy and balanced throughout the years.

In Espai Coriveu we know that children learn through games and commitment, and that their relationships with their teachers are key to their responsiveness and learning. We also know that pictures and imagination exercises may be more effective than a "technical" style of musical education normally used to teach adults.

In our school of singing in Gracia, Barcelona, children learn to sing with music so current you may well be playing it on your radio at this very moment, which makes it familiar to them. This is a very effective method to help them enjoy music, be excited and learn in entertaining classes, rather than just stainding there in the usual boring classical lyrical music sessions.

Therefore, specific vocal behaviors such as posture and alignment, breathing; flexibility of the tongue and jaw; and awareness of these are... taught in Espai Coriveu in a way appropriate to their age, seeking to establish a firm ground in which to base a future healthy voice, while at the same time having fun.

Clase de canto para ninos barcelona

What do children do in our singing lessons in Espai Coriveu?

Group ranging between 12 and 14 years old

This class offers childrens' voices the opportunity to discover singing through different styles of music. In each class we work both individually and in group, while we prepare performances with vocal harmonies and even simple choreographies in our Glee Club.

If you want your child to learn to sing safely whilst having fun and experimenting with sound, Book their place today!